Sunday, August 17, 2008

Showing Paragraph3-Anne was bleeding profusely-

This is the one i am most proud of. out of the whole class, i was the only one who had interpreted it this way. but there were quite a few others which i really liked. Emma's one was really good, especially about the "the roses in the garden were as red as blood" part. And safiah's was freaky. I have no idea how she knew the mind of a murder. The description was so vivid, you could just see the red in her story.
Anne crouched low to the ground, her soft white belly fur dancing lightly over the trampled and bloodstained grass. She curled her cut and torn lip back in a menacing snarl with her lean muzzle parted, revealing two sets of gleaming bone white teeth, dripping with blood from both her torn gums and wounds caused on the enemy. She snapped hard, wincing slightly as her teeth cracked and a sharp pain jarred through her head, but never lowered her guard. Amber eyes blazed with fury as she warily glanced around at the enemy. Her shredded ears were dripping blood down her whiskered cheeks, and they laid flat back in a silent threat. The ground beneath her thickly padded paws soaked with blood seemed to crumble in fear. Dried blood caked the limp and ragged fur on her bruised ribs, and fresh blood spilled from the wounds. Deep slashes marked her shoulders and spurted blood. She was feeling dizzy and light-headed, and her vision turning blurry from bloodloss. Lean legs stiffened and her body began trembling from rage, pain and bloodlust. Ugly teethmarks scarred her hindquarters, and clawmarks on the torn and limp tail. Clumps of sleek tawny fur were brutally torn out, leaving the skin raw and flesh exposed. Bone could be seen through the pelt, and muscles and ribs were clearly outlined under her thin and under-nourished frame. Anne flicked the blood out of her eyes and roughly shook herself, despite the pained protests from her broken and bleeding form. Relaxing her tense spine, she flexed her sharpened claws which were as gnarled as the roots of an ancient tree. The remains of her pelt bristled and her ragged tail lashed from side to side, sending clouds of sand and dust in the air. She gathered her hindquarters beneath her and, with a strained but shrill warrior's cry filled with rage from her slit and slashed throat, threw her whole heavy weight of muscle, sinew and bone at her attackers in a huge leap, claws splayed and fangs dripping. She was a bundle of death packed in the form of a flying blur of fangs, claws and fur. Blood leaked from her opened and reopened wounds and formed a trail in her tracks and splattered over the ground. Anne was bleeding profusely, but nothing would stop her from fighting to her last breath for her pride.