Sunday, August 17, 2008

Showing Paragraph2-It was the most delicious meal andrew ever had-

Andrew stared hungrily at the exotic temptation before him. The flavourful scent of the thick slab of steak was hinted with a slight tangy spiciness, and it hit the roof of his mouth and sent electric jolts down his spine. It flooded his brain and made his mouth water. The medium-well meat was sizzling slightly, and juices were slowly oozing out. Andrew could almost feel the warm flesh roll about in his saliva filled mouth. He shakily reached for the knife and selected a corner of the steak to cut first. The sharpened edge of the knife sank easily through the tender flesh, and no traces of meat were left on the smooth blade, save for a thin coating of delicious fatty oil. the chunk of flavour was mere inches from his lips, and Andrew was already drunk and giddy from the aroma. His tongue wrapped around the slight crisp roughness of the skin. His teeth sank slowly into the warm meat. Instantly, the juicy flavour exploded in his mouth and sent his taste buds crazy. The meat melted in his mouth, the saltiness hitting the back of his mouth with full force. There was a subtle hint of sweet blood in the slightly raw flesh. He swallowed, enjoying the feeling of the warmth slowly slipping down his throat. Craving for more, Andrew cut another piece, slowly satisfying his tingling taste buds. He ate slowly, in his own time, savouring every bite, licking his moist lips for every last drop of the heavenly flavour. His plate was siped clean, and not a single morsel was left. He spooned down a steaming hot bowl of creamy soup, and it sloshed down into his stomach, making his whole warm. A small trickle of soup dribbled down the corner of his mouth, and his tongue flicked out and licked it up. Patting his budging belly, he slouched back in his comfortable chair and let out a huge sigh. His eyes shut and feeling drowsy, he slowly sipped on a sweet glass of iced tea. The cool of it soothed his wild taste buds and relaxed his mind, leaving him calm and contented as a litter of just fed kittens. This was the best meal Andrew ever had.